Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

UNITED WE STAND – Sydney depots move to support Newcastle drivers.

Nov 10, 2015Updates

Newcastle Buses will not stand alone as bus drivers from across Sydney have come to the aid of their northern comrades after State Liberal Government threats to privatise the publicly owned Newcastle bus and ferry network, putting at risk the jobs of 350 staff.

Drivers at a dozen depots, representing thousands of union members, have moved motions authorising the RTBU Executive to take action to fight the privatisation.


Mona Vale

1)        The members of the RTBU of Mona Vale depot instruct the executive body to take whatever action possible to ensure that the Andrew Constance remodelling of the transport network in Newcastle is fought until it is defeated.


North Sydney

1)        The bus operators at North Sydney Depot support Newcastle bus operators in the fight against privatisation.

2)        We support any decision to be made by NSW Bus and Tram Division Executive in the fight against STAs Newcastle transport privatisation.



1)        That members of the RTBU, Brookvale Depot instruct the Executive committee to take whatever action necessary to ensure that the State Government plans to amalgamate public transport in Newcastle does not proceed and Newcastle Buses remain in public hands.

2)        That members of the Brookvale RTBU stand side by side in solidarity with our Newcastle comrades in their fight to remain in public ownership.



1)        The members of the RTBU of the Tempe Depot instruct the Executive body to take whatever action possible to ensure that the Andrew Constance remodelling of the transport network in Newcastle is fought until it is defeated.

2)        Tempe Depot also move a motion of support for our Newcastle comrades in their battle to fight privatisation.



1)        The members of the RTBU at Ryde Depot instruct the Executive to take whatever action possible to ensure that the Andrew Constance remodelling of the transport network in Newcastle is fought until it is defeated.

2)        We, the members at Ryde, move a motion of support to our comrades at Newcastle in the battle to fight privatisation.



1)        The members of the RTBU of/at Burwood instruct the Executive to take whatever means/action possible to ensure that the Andrew Constance remodelling of the transport network in Newcastle is fought until it is defeated.

2)        Burwood move the motion to support our Newcastle comrades in the battle to prevent privatisations.



1)        That members of the RTBU Randwick Depot instruct the Executive body to take whatever action possible to ensure that the Andrew Constance remodelling of the transport network in Newcastle is fought until it is defeated.

2)        Randwick move a motion of support for our Newcastle comrades in the battle to fight privatisation.



1)        That members of the RTBU instruct the Executive to take whatever action possible to ensure that the Andrew Constance remodelling of the transport network in Newcastle is fought until it is defeated.



1)        The members of the RTBU of Waverley Depot instruct the Executive body take whatever action possible to ensure that the Andrew Constance remodelling of the transport network in Newcastle is fought until it is defeated.

2)        Waverley depot moves a motion of support for our Newcastle comrades in the battle to fight privatisation.


Port Botany

1)        The members of the RTBU of Port Botany Depot instruct the Executive to take whatever action possible to ensure that the Andrew Constance remodelling of the transport network in Newcastle is fought until it is defeated.

2)        Port Botany move a motion of support for our Newcastle comrades in the battle to fight privatisation.



1)        The members of RTBU of Willoughby Depot instruct the Executive to take whatever action possible to ensure that the Andrew Constance remodelling of the transport network in Newcastle is fought until it is defeated.

2)        Willoughby moved a motion of support for our Newcastle comrades in the battle to fight privatisation.



1)        The RTBU members at Leichhardt Depot give permission to the RTBY Executive Committee and Officials to take whatever steps necessary to fight and defeat the proposed sell off/privatisation of Newcastle Bus Services.

2)        Leichhardt members have also agreed to support the Newcastle members in their fight for justice. NO SELL OFF.

