Union victory in Commission for part-time members
When STA announced that they were intending to force some of our part-time members to transfer to another depot, the Union filed a dispute in the New South Wales Industrial Relations Commission where we argued that part-time employees are contracted to a particular depot.
During the course of the conciliation process, Commissioner Tabba sought compromise from STA with the end result being that, not one part-time member was forcibly transferred.
Speaking for the Union, Gary Way said that this outcome was a truly remarkable result where the need for arbitration and all the risks attached were successfully avoided.
The Commissioner diligently took into account the circumstances of our members. In the courtroom in front of the Commission STA chose to abandon their heavy-handed tactics in this matter and come to the table, Mr Way said.
The Union would like to thank all the work place delegates whose time and effort helped make this win possible.