Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Strong Delegate Support for Pay Deal

Nov 2, 2011News

At a recent special meeting of the Divisional Executive where EVERY DEPOT was represented, it was decided unanimously to endorse the 3.25% wage deal negotiated between the Union and State Transit.

As you would be aware the Division has been in talks with STA for some months now to finalise the EA after an interim agreement was reached in August.

At that time members voted overwhelmingly in favour of an initial 2.5% pay increase back dated to the 12th of June while the Division continued its work for a more reasonable offer.

Your union was determined to deliver a fairer outcome for members after the 2.5% wages cap was imposed on all NSW public sector workers by the new state government.

The offer of a 3.25% pay increase delivers an increase well above this wage cap.

This has now been put into a Letter of Offer, which the Executive has endorsed as worthy of your consideration.

A series of meetings are now underway to present the offer and give members the chance to ask any questions they might have.

For more information contact the union at info@busexpress.com.au


Please see the Letter of Offer below:


