Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Transport NSW to fine Spanish consortium Acciona $500,000 for every day light rail is delayed

Feb 22, 2018Uncategorized

Constance seems to ignore the fact that it’s tax payers wearing the cost of his poor management of our transport network… not him.

The Daily Telegraph

THE Spanish consortium building Sydney’s light rail will be forced to pay at least $500,000 for every day it misses the project’s 2019 opening date, The Daily Telegraph has been told.

It comes as Transport Minister Andrew Constance yesterday savaged ALTRAC for running more than a year behind schedule on the construction of key sections of the line.

Mr Constance said he expected them to “get on with the job” and meet the April 2019 light rail operation date.

“It’s fair to say (the government) is an unhappy customer at the moment,” he said.

“We expect better.”

