Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Transit Systems hits a new low, expect worse to come!

Sep 10, 2021Updates

After being taken to court by the RTBU over failing to pass on a pay rise to ex-STA employees in Region 6 (despite committing to do so in writing), Transit Systems (TSA) are now trying to present that increase as some sort of generous offer in Enterprise Agreement (EA) negotiations.

After delaying negotiations for weeks by refusing to put forward the company’s position, TSA appointed an external bargaining representative. This was nothing more than a delaying tactic to give them time to put together their own draft EA without considering ANY of the things members have said they want and deserve in an agreement.

The draft EA the company sent directly to employees before it went to any bargaining representatives does one thing and one thing only; it sets in stone the two-tiered workplace. It removes even more conditions and money from ALL employees and rips out union rights to try and make sure there is no-one to fight against their future robbery plans.

Make no mistake, TSA will try and convince you that this is a good deal, that it’s in your best interest to vote up, and that they are on your side. NONE OF THOSE THINGS ARE TRUE.

This is the company trying to bypass Unions and bargaining representatives to put forward a complicated document and then try and sell it to employees while they’re confused.

This is EXACTLY what we expected them to do.

TSA has no shame and no interest in your wellbeing as a person. To them you are nothing but a renewable resource they want to pay as little as possible. If they had their way, TSA would undo over 80 years of hard-won conditions for all employees and replace it with the bare minimum.

TSA are fighting FOR THEMSELVES as they have since the beginning, and they are fighting AGAINST YOU. The company has ALWAYS been fighting you- to take money out of your pocket and take everything from your conditions that costs them money.

For TSA to win, you have to give away your working conditions and vote yes- THAT CANNOT BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN.

The RTBU and TWU are united in fighting this grub company to get members what they have said they want- equality based on the Copied State Award.

If members in Region 6 still want that, then get ready to fight. The battle cry is ‘NO DEAL’, and the fight starts now.

