Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Transdev IWLR Enterprise Bargaining Update 13: Transdev’s New and Final Offer

Aug 13, 2021Updates

RTBU negotiators met with Transdev management representatives on Wednesday 11 August to continue negotiations for the IWLR Enterprise Agreement 2021.

Transdev re-iterated that the COVID-19 pandemic is still having a financial impact on them, and this is their final offer and are seeking an in-principal agreement from the Union’s EA committee.

Transdev has offered a 3% pay increase on November 1st annually from 2020 to 2023, expiring on 31 October 2024. Not that there is no legal obligation for them to offer the 3% to cover 2020 as the current agreement expired in May 2021.

This offer is on the provision that the RTBU drop all claims that have not been agreed to by both parties. But Transdev has tried to shirk responsibility to the IWLR EA negotiating team to explain why these claims should be dropped. It seems that Transdev themselves have forgotten their obligations to communicate with their workforce as per the EA process.

This is a stubborn move by Transdev and looks to be just another ploy to drag on the already lengthy progress of negotiations and buy time for themselves.

We are not interested in playing to their tune.

The negotiating committee have asserted that Transdev explain the rejection of claims to their staff before by next Wednesday 18 August before the negotiating committee can begin to consider an in-principal agreement.

The ball is now in Transdev’s court.

Read the full member bulletin here.

