Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Transdev IWLR EA Update

May 21, 2021Updates

Transdev have throughout the negotiations kept insisting that our members who work on the IWLR (Inner West Light Rail) network do not do the same work or operate on a network that is equivalent to, or complex as the CSELR (City & South Eastern Light Rail) network.

The negotiating committee met with Transdev this week and presented them with the Union’s position as to why our members on the IWLR should be treated equally. Same Job/Same Pay.

  • Competencies:  These are identical for both networks as shown in Transdev’s own position descriptions and as demonstrated by the training given to LRV Operators on both networks – it is the same training with the same outcomes, i.e. all LRV Operators who successfully complete training have attained the same required minimum level of skill, competency and knowledge.
  • Complexity:  Both networks present their own unique complexities.  Each Operator must be knowledgeable of, and able to manage, the complexities of their own network.  These complexities are addressed through the training modules that are given to all LRV Operators irrespective of which network they will be working on.
  • Knowledge:   At the end of the training given to all LRV Operators, each successful participant has been found proficient to the same minimum level of thinking, reasoning, and problem-solving skills.  Each participant has acquired the same shared knowledge across the entire training with one additional difference, specific knowledge of their own network.  As each LRV Operator is expected to have specific knowledge of their own network, obviously some of the practical training will focus more on route knowledge of one network than another, depending on which network the trainees will be working on.  No distinction is made either in the training or in the Position Description of one network needing “more knowledge” than another.

The members of the IWLR have made it clear to the union that they are prepared to do whatever it takes to achieve an outcome that improves their working conditions and acknowledges their competence as equal.

We will keep you posted as the negotiations progress.

