Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Transdev CSLER EA Negotiations

Sep 6, 2019Updates

We are currently negotiating an Enterprise Agreement with Transdev who are the operators of the new City South East Light Rail (CSELR). Originally the company only came to the table with the bare minimum offer of the National Employment Standards (NES) which was rejected by the union and the employee representatives.

The union insisted that the current agreement that covers the workers at Pyrmont tram depot (except for the Inner West Light Rail Drivers who are covered by a different agreement) be the starting point. The union has been successful in this endeavour with a few exceptions. The main one of those exceptions has been around the buyout of the current paid meal break. Transdev would have members believe that this buyout of the meal break gives more flexibility to its staff, when in reality the buyout means you spend more time at work for a similar rate of pay. Transdev have put it forward that changes they are proposing are all about flexibility when really they are looking at this expansion as an opportunity for cost cutting measures.

The union will continue to negotiate for better wages and conditions. We refuse to let employers get away with deception. Employees have worked hard to earn these rights and we aren’t letting Transdev get away with the bare minimum. Please contact us for more information.

