Solidarity for bus drivers today forced to learn new routes on the job

May 13, 2013Updates

RTBU union members are showing solidarity this week with Sydney Bus Drivers operating on routes they have never driven before with little or no training.

The Tram & Bus Division has called for patience from the travelling public after a restructure within Sydney Transit Authority has forced hundreds of drivers across the network to drive new routes today with at best token familiarisation training.

Tram and Bus Division Secretary Chis Preston said STA put in a token effort to address the issue at the last minute and we now have a situation where many drivers behind the wheel today will be learning where to go on the job with a bus full of passengers.

“Negotiating a 15 tonne bus through Sydney traffic with up to 100 passengers on board requires a high level of skill which our drivers exhibit each and every day,” Mr Preston said.

“However being thrown into an unfamiliar route with multiple new pick up and set down points on complex back road routes means many drivers skills will be tested to the limit.

“This restructure has been on the table for some time and the union has consistently argued for measures to be put in place to ensure all drivers were properly trained and confident to start their new routes this week.”

Tram and Bus Division President Gary Way said drivers were asking for commuters to be patient while they learnt the new routes.

“If there are problems out there today and into this week, it certainly won’t be the drivers fault.

“Bus drivers will be doing the best they can under the circumstances and we are asking that passengers exercise patience and direct any complaints directly to STA management.”

