RTBU welcomes Labor’s commitment to review Newcastle buses
The RTBU NSW Tram and Bus Division welcomes Labor’s commitment announced today, to audit the Newcastle bus network and work towards returning buses back to Beaumont street, if elected in March.
Bus privatisation in Newcastle has been an absolute disaster not just for commuters but also for local businesses in Newcastle who have suffered a downturn in trade since the removal of bus stops in the area.
It’s no surprise that when you remove 140 bus stops without any community consultation, people and businesses in the community will suffer. The privatisation and neglect of the Newcastle bus network by this Liberal Government is just another example of putting profits before community needs.
We already know from 2017 and 2018 Opal data that bus patronage dropped significantly by over 8,000 trips. But the problems with Newcastle’s network are more than just numbers and data – the erosion of services has particularly disadvantaged the most vulnerable parts of our community such as the elderly and the disabled who rely heavily on well-funded and well-serviced public transport.
Any commitment to review the myriad of problems caused by bus privatisation and seek to rectify the damaged is a positive step in the right direction.
Click here to read the article in todays Newcastle Herald: https://www.theherald.com.au/story/5803392/buses-to-be-returned-to-beaumont-street-under-labor-plan/