Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

RTBU: changing the rules to support bus drivers

Dec 10, 2019Uncategorized

The RTBU is currently in the middle of a hearing at the Fair Work Commission to change our eligibility rules to ensure that we can continue to represent and support bus drivers across the state.

Getting the rules changed will ensure that there is no question of our ability to continue to represent members in the event that the management of a transport service is shifted from the government to a private entity. It is crucial to ensure that drivers’ wages and conditions are protected today and into the future.

The Fair Work Commission is currently hearing the case for the rule change. The current situation means that unless the eligibility rules are changed, it is contestable that we have the ability to sign up new members when a private operator takes over. It is also letting Transit Systems play games and is currently seeing the RTBU locked out of inductions for new employees – a huge risk to members.

Unfortunately the TWU and the company in region 6 are opposing the move. The RTBU does however have a Memorandum Of Understanding with the AMWU, the ETU, and ASU who are supportive of the RTBU claim. The other Unions know that our goal is not to change things on the ground but keep doing our good work where we always have.

Members will be kept updated on the Fair Work Commission proceedings.

