Rock throwing resolution
Drivers at the Hamilton and Belmont depot are relieved that management has put in place a protocol for managing rock or missile throwing incidents.
Newcastle delegates have been pushing for a concrete protocol in writing for some time.
Under the new protocol, when an incident occurs, the driver contacts the radio room which then must alert the police. An alert is also sent out to drivers advising them to avoid the route until the police have declared the area safe.
Drivers have been at their wit’s end – feeling completely unsupported and vulnerable when in a dangerous situation because, without the protocol, the radio room was often not contacting police leaving drivers to fend for themselves.
The recent spate of attacks on drivers, which were highlighted by the media in Sydney and Melbourne, has brought this long-term problem into focus again and drivers are hoping that the new system will reduce the risk of danger on the job.
Well done to our Newcastle delegates for making this important step forward for driver safety.