Reporting back: Rally to Save our Buses

On Wednesday, we joined Member for Coogee Marjorie O’Neill at the rally to save our buses at Hyde Park.
Privatisation has been a key issue for the union and we’re always ready to join the call to save the 24 routes and at least 50 bus stops in danger of being slashed by the NSW Government starting in December.
Public transport is an important asset to our society. Workers have a right to keep their jobs safe from the chopping block, and the public has a right to reliable services that take them where they need to go every day.
Tram and Bus Division Secretary, David Babineau said it was fantastic to see workers, MPs and supporters turn out to the rally.
“The NSW Government’s attack on our bus services is far-reaching and is having a significant impact on services across Sydney, particularly in areas like the eastern suburbs.
“The attack on our buses is not only impacting commuters, but it’s also impacting drivers. Service cuts also mean a cut to our work. Commuters and workers deserve better.”
The bottom line is every route we can save is more work for drivers, and we’ll soon see exactly how much existing shifts are going to be cut. The network changes will hit driver journals around December 5th 2021.