Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Region 8 update: Northern Beaches

Feb 4, 2022Updates

The Enterprise Agreement approved by members was lodged with the Fair Work Commission late December and we’re still waiting on feedback from the Commission. Sometimes (often) they require an Undertaking or clarification to address what they see as potential issues with an Agreement. We haven’t heard back from them yet but as soon as we do, members will be updated.

Another issue that won’t be news to workers in Region 8 is the multitude of payroll problems that have plagued members. RTBU delegates and officials met with KDNB today with a view to getting this sorted ASAP. The company is fixing a lot of the problems but there’s still a lot remaining, and then there’s the issue of over/under payments to be worked out.

The RTBU will continue to work with the company to sort this out and a special thanks to local delegates who have no doubt gotten to know local payroll officers very well over the last few months.

