Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Region 7 Transition update

Oct 29, 2021Updates

After a brief discussion with the company, we are each a little closer to understanding where we both stand.

Busways are not opposed to the idea of a single agreement, but what shape that takes is unclear at this stage. It could be a repeat of the Region 6 horror-show, or it could be something different. Ultimately what the solution looks like will be up to members to accept or reject, just as in the recent Region 8 vote.

The company and union have agreed to meet before Christmas so we can explain what the crucial conditions are that we would expect to be preserved. This is not negotiation, this is just putting to the company what we as drivers can’t live without, and it’s not the end of the story. When we come to negotiation, we will of course go through the usual process of gathering a Log of Claims and members will have a chance to tell us EXACTLY what they want BEFORE any negotiation takes place.

Here is a bulletin for our members in Region 7.

