Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Region 7 bargaining update: Ryde and Willoughby

Feb 4, 2022Updates

As we all know, Busways has colluded with TfNSW to once again, screw over hard working bus drivers. The good news is that as we circulate our petition for the Majority Support determination application (where we prove to the Fair Work Commission workers want to bargain and they tell the company they have to), Busways has come to the table.

While they have agreed to bargain for a single instrument and conditions for all employees, there is no way they will be able to deliver us the STA Award completely. While we wait for negotiations to commence we will continue to get signatures for the Fair Work petition as a back-up. As soon as we have dates and an agenda for meetings we will communicate that to members.

A Log of Claims will be circulated shortly so members can offer feedback on what the most important things are to them that they want to fight for. Members are encouraged to have their say so the union can represent their demands.

