Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Region 6 privatisation – important update

Feb 13, 2018Updates

The NSW Transport Minister, Andrew Constance, has just announced Transit Systems as the new operator to run region 6.

The announcement completely ignores:
· 30,000+ signatures from commuters who are opposed to the privatisation of their buses in region 6;
· Town Hall protest meetings (Marrickville, Leichhardt & Pitt St);
· Rallies held at all impacted bus depots;
· Two Parliament debates.
This Government is still going ahead with the privatisation of region 6 buses.
What does this mean for you, as a RTBU member?
The union will commence negotiations with the new operator with the full intention of negotiating the best possible outcome for your pay and conditions, so they remain with you long into the future.
The elected delegates from Kingsgrove, Tempe, Burwood and Leichhardt depots will be involved with all negotiations. The delegates will report back any progress to you via depot meetings. Members will also receive important updates via mail and email.
If you haven’t already given your contact details to the Union, please see your local delegate.
Chris Preston, RTBU Tram and Bus Division Secretary & Dave Woollams, RTBU Tram and Bus Division President

