Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Region 6 Bargaining update

Apr 1, 2022Uncategorized

This week saw a half day caucus between the RTBU and TWU and then we sat together at Trades Hall and had the scheduled bargaining meeting. It was great for both unions not just to be bargaining together but to be sitting in the same room united for workers.

Next week’s bargaining meeting has been moved until the 19th due to scheduling conflicts and the fact that both unions are going to meet again next week for a full day to go over some of the claims. If we can agree on a combined Log of Claims between the unions, it makes the fight that much easier than simply supporting each other’s position. Unfortunately, the bargaining meeting did not produce any results. Unions again asked for someone with operational knowledge to sit on the company side so they could understand WHY all drivers need things like standing time and toilet breaks- this was refused. Things got a bit spicy after that. As a division run by transport workers, it’s hard to keep your cool when you get told of workers getting called in to the office to justify spending more than 8 minutes travelling to and then using the toilet and travelling back. It’s offensive, degrading, completely disrespectful, and is a great example of how this company thinks of their employees as nothing but slaves.

WE have to make them stop! The time is coming to take further action, stay tuned for more info next week!

