Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Region 6 bargaining update

Feb 4, 2022Updates

After the last meeting was held on January 14th, there was virtually no progress at all. The company seems happy to le the bargaining meetings just roll along with out getting anything done.

Neither union is willing to let that happen. We’ve proposed 4-hour meetings as well as started to push the company to respond to specific requests designed to try and move progress out discussions. It’s clear that unions will have to be the driving force here and so that’s what we’re doing.

There was agreement to have more meetings after the last one, but nothing has been set up yet. The RTBU has written to the TSA bargain representative asking for a schedule to be organised. As soon as we have more info we’ll pass it along.

If this goes nowhere or the company keeps dragging it’s feet, then more very public industrial action will be required to try and push things along. Don’t forget there’s a lot of Sydney bus contract Regions being bid for this year, a bit of negative publicity can go a long way.

Because of the way we did our actions last year (doing fare free days and leading up to stoppages) there is solid public support for our cause.

