Region 6 bargaining Update

Aug 27, 2021Updates

After delaying the bargaining process by not responding to union requests and then trying to blame unions for that delay, TSA have outsourced negotiations to a Melbourne company.

So far a limit of 6 meetings have been put on the table, which is ridiculous. The TWU and RTBU are united in their commitment to get the best deal possible for workers and will bargain in good faith. If the company continues to play games, it will come down to the commitment of members to take action and make the company understand that we’re not going to accept sub-standard working conditions and pay. Before hiring the external negotiator, the company said in writing:

“(TSA) are eager to get a pay rise into the pockets of the drivers as quickly as possible…”

Never forget everything they have done and the lies they have told. Don’t let them pretend that they care about your pay and conditions in any way except to make them as cheap as possible. United we can secure a decent future, divided we’ll be begging for scraps!

The next meeting is scheduled for September 2, 2021 and members will be updated on progress afterwards.

