Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Region 6 Bargaining

Jun 2, 2021Updates

The process has been slow going so far, as members would have noticed, and the reason is twofold.

First, our log of claims had to be finalised. Member responses were easy to collate, but Delegates have put together an ‘ultimate Award wishlist’ by combining the best parts of multiple Agreements from across the bus industry. This has to be put into a format where we can explain the changes to the company; going through a new document this way, and comparing it with the old document to find the differences, takes time. Thankfully, that will be completed this week and the final log of claims will be sent to members to approve.

Second, the TWU are around the same stage of finalising their log of claims. In the next week or so they are expecting to be distributing it to their members for final approval as well.

As soon as we have our first proper negotiating meeting – noting that we’ve had one meeting where the ground rules were agreed upon – we’ll report back on that and every meeting after.

We thank members for their patience at this stage where not much seems to be happening. There’s a lot going on behind the scenes and we’ll be kicking it off ASAP.

