Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Pyrmont Drivers to take Protected Industrial Action for Equal Career Opportunity

Sep 10, 2021Updates

From Tuesday 14 September, Light Rail Drivers from the Pyrmont Depot will begin taking protected industrial action. As part of this action, Drivers will refuse to clean up vomit or answer their phone to the bosses in response to Transdev’s refusal to provide them with career equality as part of current enterprise agreement negotiations.

For Pyrmont Drivers, it currently takes five years to reach the highest possible grade, compared with just three years for Drivers elsewhere. 

More actions will be taken throughout the week, including:

  • A uniform ban (all PPE will still be worn)
  • A ban on overtime working from Thursday 16 September
  • A ban on using the Transdev app, which is used for service updates
  • A ban on cleaning up hazardous waste such as vomit and urine. Cost cutting measures put in place around five years ago mean that rather than take a vehicle containing hazardous waste straight in for cleaning, light rail drivers are now meant to put a powder substance on the waste product and finish the route before getting the tram cleaned.
  • Not answering a two-way radio until they are completely stopped at a station.

Having equal opportunity in this area is a basic ask.

The fact that members must resort to these types of action in order for them and their EA to be taken seriously by Transdev shows how far Transdev is willing to drag any progressive discussion on fair career progression. 

