Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Public to have say on Parramatta light rail plans

Jan 12, 2017Updates

Reported in the Parramatta Advertiser:  PARRAMATTA’S  multi-­billion dollar light rail is gaining traction with the man heading the project saying the public need to be involved.

Parramatta Light Rail program director Tim Poole ­previously headed the development of the Gold Coast light rail and he spoke to the Advertiser at the official office opening, stressing it was vital the community be included at all stages of the development.

Potential areas of conflict with businesses and residents include the final route – which will be unveiled in the next two months – and any compulsory acquisition of property along that route.

“We want to allow people opportunities to look at the project and give us their feedback. It is important we carry the people who live and work here with us,” Mr Poole said.

Parramatta state Liberal MP Geoff Lee said he was looking forward to the light rail connecting areas as diverse as Westmead, the CBD, Telopea, Olympic Park and Carlingford where he said residents were calling out for better transport links.

In tandem with the light rail, Mr Poole’s department is also one of several government groups and departments working on the transport elements of the broader central west district plan.

He said it was important all elements in Parramatta – heavy rail, the mooted Metro and the light rail, plus buses – all dovetailed.

Read the original story here.

