Public Health Order Exemption: Mandatory Face Coverings

Jan 28, 2021COVID19

Members are advised of a recent exemption to the mandatory wearing of face masks on public transport issued by NSW Minister for Health Brad Hazzard MP.

The order states a person is exempt from wearing a mask if they:

  1. Are at premises, at a public transport waiting area, or in a vehicle for the purposes [of] their employment or engagement; AND
  2. Are not interacting directly with members of the public.

This is limited to staff, contractors, volunteers, or workers at the premises.

This exemption is especially relevant to Guards who under this order are not required to wear a mask in their Cabs. You are still required to wear a mask when on the platform or interacting with the public.

This also means that LRV operators do not have to wear a mask whilst inside the driver’s cabin, and that bus drivers running special do not have to wear a mask.

It is important to make note that members will still need to wear a mask at any time they are interacting with members of the public. This would include when operating a bus in service or changing ends when operating a tram.

Members will still be required to comply with other elements of the health order by wearing a mask or face covering in paid transport areas including stations, platforms or whilst using public transport.

The RTBU will continue to support health advice for the safety of our members and the traveling public.

Full health orders and exemptions can be found on the NSW Government Health website

If you have any questions, please contact your local delegate or organiser.

Read the full bulletin here.

