Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Protesting outside Sidoti’s office against privatising our buses!

Aug 4, 2017Uncategorized

Today we protested with community members outside John Sidoti’s office to demand answers as to why he has supported Andrew Constance’s plan to privatise region 6 buses, despite the chaos it will cause to drivers and commuters in Sidoti’s own electorate.


While other MPs turned down the proposal to privatise buses in their region, it was John Sidoti, the MP for Drummoyne, who supported and enabled Constance to privatise the Inner-West buses. Today we were calling on Sidoti to tell us why he supports privatisation despite the fierce community opposition, and force him to face the truth that his own electorate do not want their buses privatised.


Dave Woollams, RTBU Bus Division President said that Sidoti’s decision to support Constance and privatise region 6 buses was gutless. “They’ve had no consultation with the community, no consultation with the employees of STA, they’ve had no consultation with anyone other than their mates in the big end of town”.

Check out the video on Facebook here.

