Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Our Transport Community Consultation Region 7, 8 and 9

Nov 11, 2020Updates

The NSW Government is planning to privatise Sydney’s last remaining publicly owned buses. 

The changes will impact commuters in Region 7 (North Sydney), Region 8 (Northern Beaches) and Region 9 (The Eastern Suburbs). 

From December, thousands of commuters in Region 8 covering the Northern Beaches alone will see their journey times inflate as they are forced to take two or three buses where they once took only one.

The Our Transport campaign is collecting information about which bus routes commuters are most worried about losing. Have your say in this 5-minute survey.

The Government keeps insisting that privatisation will mean better services for commuters. But we saw what happened in the Inner West and Newcastle – routes were changed or axed entirely, bus stops were removed and on-time running plummeted.

We’re seeing it again now. There are many places in Sydney that our train network doesn’t reach, where people rely heavily on a reliable, convenient public bus network to get by.

These buses must be run for the people, not profit, or commuters who live along less ‘profitable’ routes will get left behind. 

Take the bus privatisation survey now and help us show the Government that people depend on their local routes remaining intact and on time.

