Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

O’Farrell Govt forces super increases back onto public sector

Jul 15, 2013Updates

In a shocking move the O’Farrell Government has amended regulations to ensure public sector workers wear the cost of the 0.25% superannuation increase within their 2.5% wage cap.

This is particularly outrageous given Unions NSW had taken the Government to the Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) on the issue and the IRC had ruled in favour of workers, saying any mandatory superannuation increases were to be made in addition to the 2.5%.

Unions NSW said the effect of the new regulation was to “force public sector workers to pay for their own superannuation increase”.

Secretary Mark Lennon said the government had ignored the decision of the “independent umpire” and was “trashing proper process”.

Unfortunately yet again we see this government show blatant disrespect for public sector workers.

