Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Members’ Bulletin: STA Award Negotiation Update

Feb 19, 2021Updates

The union has recommenced negotiations with STA following the Christmas break. STA has put forward a formal offer that addresses the RTBU claims listed in the full bulletin, together with their own claims to alter your Excess Travel Time and the Uniform Allowance Clauses. 

STA has indicated that these changes are simply corrections/revisions or updates and are not intended to change the substance of these conditions, however, it seems that the substance of these clauses is open to interpretation as the changes do not reflect current practice. Your Negotiating Committee believes that these proposals are actually cost saving measures for STA. 

Further discussions will take place to discuss these claims and your representatives will continue to negotiate with STA in good faith to achieve the best possible outcomes for you, our RTBU members. 

Read the full bulletin here.

