Media release: Don’t just delay bus privatisation – ditch it altogether

Jun 4, 2020Updates

4 June 2020: Bus drivers urge Premier to step in and save bus services

The union representing bus drivers has called on the NSW Government to scrap its bus privatisation plans altogether, saying that the privatisation of Sydney’s remaining public buses will rob commuters of their local bus stops and services.

The call comes today after media reports confirm the NSW Government has delayed its original privatisation timeline for buses in regions 7, 8 and 9, but still intends to push ahead with the horrific decision to privatise.  

David Babineau, Secretary of the Tram and Bus Division of the Rail, Tram and Bus Union (RTBU) NSW said it is time the Premier, Gladys Berejiklian, stepped in and put an end to the privatisation plans, which will have a serious negative impact on Sydney commuters – including those in her own electorate.

“The privatisation of our buses at all is an outrageous attack on commuters and frontline workers,” Mr Babineau said.

“Unless the decision to privatise is reversed, commuters are going to find their local bus services and stops are on the chopping block in the very near future.

“This isn’t over yet. Bus drivers and commuters will continue to fight against the privatisation of our buses until the paperwork is signed, which is a long way off yet.

“The Premier and Transport Minister have been at pains to stress what a fantastic job our frontline workers, like bus drivers, have been doing lately under the pressure of the COVID-19 crisis, yet here they are actively taking steps to attack their jobs.

“If this privatisation goes ahead, jobs are at risk and services will be cut – there’s no doubt about that. We’ve seen it in the inner-west and in Newcastle where this government has already pushed through its unpopular and unsuccessful privatisation plans.

“It’s time the Premier stepped in and stopped this attack on our bus services in its tracks.”

