Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Majority Support Determination Application

Nov 24, 2020Updates

The RTBU is in the process of fighting to bargain for a single instrument to cover all bus drivers in Region 6. Having two companies involved makes it much harder to do but we believe we have an argument that ticks the box for the Fair Work Commission (FWC) to approve it.

At the moment, all drivers in Region 6- RTBU and TWU members as well as non-union drivers can (and are) signing our petition. This will be presented as evidence to the commission that a majority of employees in the workplace want to begin bargaining, which the FWC can make happen by ordering the companies to the bargaining table.

The TWU have so far been opposing our efforts, going so far as to send an SMS to their members telling them not to sign. It remains bitterly disappointing that another union is so reluctant to fight to lift conditions and fix what is such an unfair situation as Region 6.

It should be remembered that the RTBU sent the TWU advice on how both unions could work together to fix things about a year ago, but never got a response- this is why we’re doing it alone. For the last two and a half years we’ve been fighting to fix this situation of a two-tiered workplace, and we’ll keep doing that.

The first appearance before the FWC is on December 1st 2020, and as things develop we’ll keep members up to date.

