Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

True fighter Andy West slowly recovering

Jul 15, 2015

Popular RTBU Willoughby delegate Andy West has been engaged in a massive battle with cancer, which saw him hospitalised and in intensive care for nearly an entire month. Read More »

Banning thugs on our public transport a good idea

Jul 14, 2015

Shadow Transport Minister Ryan Park is advocating for legislation which would ban thugs who commit serious offences on our transport networks from using these services. We think it’s a good idea. Read More »

Lack of maternity uniform an issue for pregnant drivers

Jul 10, 2015

Driving a bus may be one of very few jobs which pregnant woman may choose to continue to do as their pregnancy advances. But there’s a lot more that STA could do to support pregnant woman and female staff members more generally. Read More »

Domestic violence victims need job security

Jul 3, 2015

Violence within families is occurring in epidemic proportions in Australia currently and it’s clear we need sweeping cultural and policy changes. Ensuring that workers can access specific leave for victims to deal with domestic violence is a small but important part of the solution. Read More »

NSW electricity network to axe thousands of jobs

Jul 1, 2015

The Electrical Trade Union and United Services Union are up in arms after electricity networks Ausgrid, Endeavour Energy and Essential Energy have revealed plans to make over 2700 jobs redundant from September this year. Read More »

Life in the bus lane – Shadi Chamas

Jul 1, 2015

“I love my job. I like interacting with the people and Sydney is my office,” says Shadi Chamas, Kingsgrove Relief Read More »

Brookvale staff “banding” together

Jun 30, 2015

Brought together by their shared love of live music, a number of Brookvale Depot staff have formed their own eight piece band and will play their first official gig together next month. Read More »

Excess Travelling Time Paid for Sundays

Jun 26, 2015

The Union can report and update members, that State Transit are now paying the Excess Travel Time for Sundays worked at another depot. This payment is being backdated 2 years. Read More »

Rear door trial: Report your concerns

Jun 24, 2015

The rear door trial is now underway and as we reported earlier on Bus Express, the union is concerned about its impacts on drivers and passengers. If you have been affected by this trial please report your experience to the union in writing. Read More »

Know Your Rights – Bereavement Leave

Jun 16, 2015

This month Brett Peters highlights our rights to Bereavement/Compassionate leave. Read More »

