Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Flaws in plan to run light rail down Hunter Street, says Newcastle Herald

Dec 11, 2015

IT IS astounding that the government is ripping up the rail line and proceeding with its proposed replacement, light rail […] Read More »

Hunter council’s move to protect public transport

Dec 9, 2015

In a major win for the community Newcastle Council has joined Lake Macquarie Council in condemning the sale of the […] Read More »

Union campaign sways Newcastle Council against privatisation

Dec 9, 2015

State government plans to privatise the city’s public transport services have come under heavy fire from Newcastle council which has voted to […] Read More »

It’s bright, it’s loud, it’s the Christmas Bus!

Dec 8, 2015

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Newcastle as the first Christmas Bus hits the streets! Newcastle’s decorated […] Read More »

Timetable issues should be blamed for late buses, not drivers

Dec 4, 2015

The Daily Telegraph’s recent article about customer complaints on STA buses shows just how behind the times our current timetables and routes […] Read More »

Union pressure breaks Baird’s back

Dec 3, 2015

The big win for the Union following the rally in Newcastle was a very public statement about the future of […] Read More »

Noose tightens around Sydney as more streets close

Dec 2, 2015

As the Light Rail construction continues in Sydney, members will notice the ever-tightening noose around the with the closure of […] Read More »

Union stands against Baird’s grubby deal on Newcastle Buses

Dec 2, 2015

Mike Baird’s decision to privatise Newcastle’s public transport system is a grubby deal that will cost jobs and leave Newcastle […] Read More »

Queensland joins the fight

Nov 20, 2015

“Up here we stand in absolute solidarity with our RTBU colleagues in Newcastle. We stared down the beast of privatisation […] Read More »

RTBU Victoria show their solidarity

Nov 20, 2015

Our brothers and sisters south of the border have voted unanimously to support our call for the privatisation of bus and […] Read More »


