Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Randwick Trams – EOI for Workplace Delegate now Open

Aug 26, 2022

An expression of interest has gone out for tram members in Randwick Tram Depot to nominate for workplace delegate. If more than […] Read More »

Region 7 EA Update

Aug 26, 2022

Thank you to everyone for your patience during this ongoing process. We have a meeting scheduled with Busways on September […] Read More »

Wickham Trams EA Update

Aug 26, 2022

The survey for your Enterprise Agreement closed last Friday 19 August. The union will now be collating the information and […] Read More »

CMET EA Update

Aug 26, 2022

The RTBU and ETU have been meeting with CMET as we continue bargaining. Our previous meeting was at the end […] Read More »

Region 6 EA Update – Strike Action on 31 August

Aug 26, 2022

As you might recall, after the suspension of strike action last month and the great win we achieved with backpay, […] Read More »

Newcastle EA Update – Members vote YES

Aug 26, 2022

Thank you for your patience over the last couple of months as we worked towards a fair EA aligned with […] Read More »

Region 6 Enterprise Bargaining Update

Aug 20, 2022

As you might recall, after the suspension of strike action last month and the great win we achieved with back […] Read More »

Region 8 payroll issues

Aug 12, 2022

A company-funded audit of payments made to employees since transition will be proceeding over the next few weeks, as requested […] Read More »

Region 7 negotiations

Aug 12, 2022

We’re awaiting Busways’ position on the general issues we outlined in their proposed Enterprise Agreement. Once we hear from them, […] Read More »

Newcastle Buses EA update

Aug 12, 2022

Thank you for your patience over the last couple of months as we work towards taking your Enterprise Agreement to […] Read More »


