Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Andrew Constance, a Minister we cannot trust

Aug 10, 2017

  Throughout his tenure as NSW Minister for Transport, Andrew Constance has continued to demonstrate that he is incapable of […] Read More »

Our workers brought the fight right to Sidoti’s doorstep

Aug 7, 2017

Last week, alongside community members, our drivers took the Don’t Sell Our Buses campaign to John Sidoti’s doorstep, demanding to […] Read More »

Protesting outside Sidoti’s office against privatising our buses!

Aug 4, 2017

Today we protested with community members outside John Sidoti’s office to demand answers as to why he has supported Andrew […] Read More »

Incompetent Constance

Aug 3, 2017

Yet another of Constance’s failings was revealed last week as the Sydney Morning Herald uncovered that the inner west and […] Read More »

Rally with us outside Sidoti’s office tomorrow!

Aug 3, 2017

Join us outside Sidoti’s office as we rally against John Sidoti and demand to know why he supports the bus […] Read More »

First new tram for Sydney’s $2.1b light rail line finally unwrapped

Aug 2, 2017

It feels more spacious inside and open to natural light than Sydney’s existing trams. And, once coupled to another, the […] Read More »

Kingsgrove depot rise up against Inner-West bus privatisation

Jul 27, 2017

On Thursday July 27th, bus drivers and maintenance workers from Kingsgrove bus depot gathered to tell local Labor MPs what they […] Read More »

Channel 7: Bus drivers gathered at depot, handing over 10,000 signature petition

Jul 21, 2017

Watch Channel 7’s coverage of the incredible event where we handed over 10,000 signatures to NSW Opposition Leader Luke Foley, […] Read More »

Breaking news: NSW bus privatisation push hits road block

Jul 21, 2017

The NSW government’s plan to privatise some of Sydney’s bus services has hit a roadblock in the form of a […] Read More »

Another win! Region 6 bus privatisation to be debated in Parliament!

Jul 20, 2017

On Thursday the 20th of July, we handed over the 14,000 written petitions collected in the Don’t Sell Our Buses […] Read More »


