Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

IWLR EA: Here are your achievements!

Nov 12, 2021

We’ve been out and about to Pyrmont depot for the IWLR EA and outlining the major things members achieved by sticking […] Read More »

Update: Newcastle EA Negotiations with Keolis Downer

Nov 5, 2021

Preliminary discussions took place on Wednesday 3 November to cover housekeeping for all parties throughout negotiations. At this meeting, your […] Read More »

Region 6 says NO to fear!

Nov 5, 2021

Members in Region 6 have sent a clear and strong message to Transit Systems that they are not buying the […] Read More »

IWLR EA Update: Your unity achieves positive outcomes

Nov 5, 2021

Following our meeting with Transdev on 28 October your negotiating committee was successful in having Transdev agree to include career […] Read More »

Union calls to protect workers from Light Rail fail!

Nov 5, 2021

There is shocking news today as it was revealed that the Inner West Light Rail trams would be off the […] Read More »

Region 6 Bargaining Update

Oct 29, 2021

Well, it’s certainly been another interesting week. It’s become apparent that TSA will not let the truth (or legal reality) get […] Read More »

Region 7 Transition update

Oct 29, 2021

After a brief discussion with the company, we are each a little closer to understanding where we both stand. Busways […] Read More »

Farewell to Government Buses in the North

Oct 29, 2021

This weekend will see the last time government buses will operate on the Northern beaches and parts of the lower North […] Read More »

Newcastle EA update: Upcoming meeting with Keolis Downer

Oct 29, 2021

The RTBU will be meeting with Keolis Downer next Wednesday 3rd November for preliminary discussions on the enterprise agreement.  You […] Read More »

Transdev IWLR Bargaining Update

Oct 29, 2021

We met with Transdev yesterday to discuss their latest offer. Transdev has agreed to implement the same career progression pathways as […] Read More »


