Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Keolis Downer Newcastle Enterprise Bargaining Update

Feb 18, 2022Updates

The RTBU met with KD management representatives Emmanuel Genlot, Nikki Garbett and Mel  Hogan (General Manager, People and Culture) on Wednesday 16 and 23 February 2022 to  continue negotiations for the Keolis Downer Newcastle Bus Operations Enterprise Agreement 2021. 

The last 3 EA meetings have centred around your Log of claims (listed below) along with KD’s position for each claim. They have been categorised as follows: Agreed in-principle, rejected,  further review and financial claim except for the last claim which is for “real” pay increases  and will involve further discussion at the next EA meeting. KD have told your negotiating  committee that all financial claims will be considered by KD as part of any overall package they may offer you.

View all the issues raise and KD’s responses in the Member Bulletin here.

