Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Jack’s Backyard

Sep 16, 2011News

Talk about workplace pride! Bus operator Jack Frost has spent the last three months working on what he calls his “beautification project” ­ completely renovating the garden out the front of the Willoughby depot.


“The area was basically a rubbish dump, and that’s where people come in and out to Lost Property and it looked pretty bad, so I began to work on it in breaks between shifts,” says Jack, who has been at the depot for four and a half years.



Having moved into an apartment a few years ago Jack hasn’t had the chance do much gardening and so was happy to get stuck into this project with the help of funds to pay for the new turf from the depot manager; “I liked doing it, I got fitter and I used muscles that I hadn’t used for about five years!”



But wait there’s more… Jack has his eye on the western side of the depot for Stage 2 Beautification. Stay tuned.


