Industrial Action: Inner West to go Fare-Free on Monday

Nov 19, 2021Updates

Region 6 members are taking protected industrial action with the TWU to fight for equal wages and conditions.

To kick this off, we’re shutting off the Opal machines on Monday 22 November, and services in the area will be running fare-free for commuters. Nothing shakes up management like the loss of a day’s profit.

Since the NSW Government privatised the Region 6 buses, workers have been employed under two different systems. This allows one group of workers to be employed on lesser conditions than the other. Currently, bus drivers are working side by side, but one gets less annual leave, no breaks, and has to work longer shifts. This is what happens when bus services are privatised. Commuters are robbed of services and workers are robbed of their pay and conditions. 

All we’re asking for is for all drivers to be treated fairly.

Read the latest bulletin about the action here.

