Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

How to beat the Opal system

Apr 16, 2015Updates

IMG_2322_2 - Version 2Smart commuters have figured Opal out.

For just $15 you can get a week’s worth of unlimited travel on all forms of transport using your Opal card – and get your weekly exercise at the same time.

So how are they doing it?

The most popular way seems to be the light rail stops at Pyrmont, where cash strapped commuters walk back and forth between The Star and Pyrmont Bay stops about 27 times.

That’s just under 6 kilometres, apparently – so its good exercise, too.

It’s the Opal card’s strange fare structure that allows commuters to beat the system and it’s perfectly legal.

Find out exactly how it works by reading this article in the Sydney Morning Herald.

