Future Region 6 Industrial Action

Following two stoppages of two hours each last Thursday morning and Friday afternoon, RTBU & TWU members followed up with a 24-hour stoppage yesterday. Unlike previous strike action in region 6, this wasn’t a day to go fishing and picket lines were manned at all four depots stopping buses from going in and out. Some depots had picket lines manned all day from 6am – 6pm which is a huge effort from members of both unions and a moment of genuine solidarity. While we know these actions inconvenience the public, it’s time to start looking out for ourselves. The media was supportive and once people understood that we’re not looking for a pay grab but trying to fix genuine inequality, there were very few complaints. We even had local businesses offer cartons of drinks to drivers on the picket line at Tempe as well as somewhere to go to the toilet after the Tempe Area Manager refused to let anyone into the depot to go the toilet. Typical of a company that sees it’s workers as the enemy.
While we apologise to any other workers who were impacted, they can ultimately thank the company for putting them in that position. The union and it’s members will not be stepping back from the fight to fix the government approved debacle in region 6.

More actions will be coming NEXT WEEK (so don’t so these yet) including Work to Rule, not using mobile phones or any device to communication with work outside of your shift hours, no uniforms, and the right to distribute union campaign material in the workplace. Work to rule is the winner there and actions you can take include:
- Delete ‘Blink’ from your devices. It is not part of your employment contract, so all employee contact must be via your journals and the DO’s office window.
- No taking calls from work outside of your shift times. You turn up when you’re rostered to!
- During your pre-departure check, give your bus a good going over and your find any item that may constitute a safety issue, BOOK YOUR BUS UP!
- If anyone is at a bus stop and don’t signal you, stop anyway. Open your doors, lower your bus, then raise your bus, close your doors then leave the stop.
- If there is a bus in front of you on the road, don’t pass it. Pull in behind it, open doors etc. Then leave the stop when the other bus leaves the stop.
- When you reach your terminus at the end of your trip, take your 6 and 8 minute breaks, even if you’re running late. Take your break, move away from your bus, go to the toilet, etc. Don’t forget to note when you had a toilet break on your journal!
- Adhere to your timing points. If you are early to a timing point, stop until the time is up and then leave the stop.
- If you are on the road and have an operational issue, place your call and query to OCC and ask for advice. Once the issue is sorted and if you’re running late, ask for an adjustment!
- Don’t ‘self-adjust’ your running times. If you are running late, don’t push to make up time. Always call OCC and ask for a time adjustment. Stop in a safe position, secure your bus and then make the call. WAIT UNTIL THEY ANSWER!
- If you are going to be late on your final trip of the day, call OCC and ask for an adjustment to the trip so you can finish on time.
- With mechanical failures of a bus on the road, don’t be conned by OCC to finish trips with faulty air conditioning etc. Insist on a changeover bus and wait till they bring you a replacement bus.
- No lunches on the road, insist on returning to the Depot for your meals.
The union will be printing stickers, flyers and posters to distribute to passengers and put up at bus stops so people know exactly why their bus is doing some things a bit differently. Don’t be pressured by management, this is PROTECTED ACTION. Any threats either verbal or written should be reported to your local delegate immediately.