Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Eastern Suburbs, Make Them Listen – Bus Rally to Save Region 9 Buses

May 28, 2021Updates

We’re continuing the fight against the NSW Government’s unjust demolition of 25 bus routes in the Eastern suburbs. This translates to over 50 lines of work being taken away from drivers. That means less jobs, as well as less penalty work going around. With a quarter of our wages as bus drivers coming from penalty rates, that’s a hit many of us can’t afford to take. This is the government’s reward to you, as a driver, for working through a pandemic in uncertain conditions with the health rules changing every other week; it’s not enough that we’re getting privatised, they want to kick us on the way out!

These cuts will make it harder than ever for drivers to earn a living and for people to access a secure, convenient, and reliable public transport network.

The NSW Transport Minister and the NSW Government have refused to hear us, continually ignoring our demands for a just consultation process where we and the public can share why slashing these essential routes will have detrimental effects on the community and our lines of work.

There has been no meaningful response or engagement, and the government’s idea of consultation is to throw a mass of information out there which no one can make easy sense of. So, we’re taking matters into our own hands.

We’re calling on you to join us on at High Cross Park, Randwick, on 30 May at 11AM for a community rally. Join with commuters angry about losing their routes because their anger is something the government will listen to, and you’ll be standing up for your own job at the same time.

The greater the noise we make, the greater the chance we have at cutting through the NSW Government’s bubble to make them listen to the people they’re supposed to represent. The more routes we save, the more work we hold on to.

Speakers at the rally will include:

  • David Babineau, Tram and Bus Secretary, Rail, Tram and Bus Union NSW
  • Dr Marjorie O’Neill, Member for Coogee
  • Hon Matt Thistlethwaite MP, Member for Kingsford Smith
  • Michael Daley MP, Member for Maroubra
  • Local residents in the Eastern Suburbs

RSVP for the rally now here.

We hope to see you there!

