Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Drivers demand better safety in light of abuse

Apr 22, 2013Uncategorized

The Tram & Bus Division has called for greater security for bus drivers amid continued risk of abuse from unruly passengers.

The union has demanded the Government introduce three-quarter security screens currently being trialled in Newcastle after dark to protect drivers.

The RTBU is also demanding the Department bring forward the introduction of 150 revenue protection officers to take the pressure off drivers who are being asked to fix fare evasion.

“At least once a week we get a report of an assault on a driver and many more incidents of spitting, swearing and verbal abuse go unreported,” NSW Secretary Chris Preston said.

“Some of these are sparked by as little as a driver requesting a passenger to produce their ticket.

“Minister Berejiklian’s ill-informed comments are simply an insult to all of our members who have been abused, spat on and punched while trying to ensure correct ticketing.”

The union has advised drivers against getting into confrontations with passengers over potential fare evaders given their vulnerability.

Read the full story here.

