Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Delegates get the low-down on fighting privatisation

Mar 12, 2020Updates

Tram and Bus delegates have joined together with delegates from other unions impacted by privatisation as part of a mass delegates training day. 

Held at Unions NSW, delegates had the opportunity to hear first-hand from MPs, unions leaders and fellow delegates about the best tips and tools for fighting against privatisation in our industries. 

Coogee MP Marjorie O’Neill and Mark Buttigieg MLC were among those who delivered sessions, giving their inside tips on successfully lobby MPs. 

Tram and Bus Division Secretary, David Babineau, said the day was an important opportunity for Tram and Bus delegates and activists to get some insights into what works when it comes to anti-privatisation campaigns. 

“I believe that as a union, we’ve got all the passion we need to campaign hard against bus privatisation, but it has been very useful to get the tools at this workshop to make sure we deliver the best possible campaign – one that’s in the best interests of the membership and commuters.” – Doris, delegate

