Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Constance Must Commit to Maintaining Penalty Rates for Bus Drivers

Mar 8, 2017News

Sydney bus drivers are calling on Transport Minister Andrew Constance to guarantee their penalty rates will not be slashed.

RTBU National Secretary Bob Nanva today said drivers were concerned by NSW Transport Minister Andrew Constance’s refusal to answer a question penalty rates for State Transit Authority (STA) bus drivers in Parliament yesterday.

In a long and rambling response, the closest Mr Constance came to addressing the question was to say: “We will continue to work very well with the New South Wales public service to deliver great outcomes for the people of this State.”

Bob Nanva said the Liberal Party could not be trusted to protect workers’ penalty rates.

“When most people are relaxing, shopping or taking their kids to sport on the weekend, bus drivers are working hard and sacrificing their family time to ensure the city keeps moving,” Bob said.

“Nothing can replace that precious lost time, but weekend rates at least provide some reasonable compensation for the essential services that bus drivers perform.”

No Time For Games

Bob Nanva said the recent decision to reduce Sunday and public holiday penalty rates for workers in the retail, hospitality, and pharmacy sectors had shocked workers across the country.

“It’s clear that employers have declared open season on penalty rates, and RTBU members are worried that they could be next.

“Negotiations over a new pay agreement for STA bus drivers will commence later this year.

“We’re calling on Minister Constance to make a rock solid, unequivocal commitment to maintaining penalty rates for all STA bus drivers.”

