Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Commuters and bus drivers in Sydney’s inner-west deserve better.

Dec 8, 2000Updates

Bus drivers in Sydney’s inner-west, region 6, have been forced to take industrial action lately as a result of the NSW Government’s privatisation of buses in the region.

On top of robbing commuters of their services, the privatisation has allowed for the creation of a two-tiered workforce, where bus drivers doing exactly the same job get different conditions and rates of pay.

Watch the video below to see just how stark the difference is.

Drivers have been left with no option but to take action in order to have their voices heard. It’s time for the State Government and the operator Transit Systems to listen to their drivers, and end the unfair two-tiered pay system that currently exists

We can’t sit back and let the NSW Government create situations like this where you have workers doing exactly the same job on different rates of pay and conditions.

If you’d like to support region 6 bus drivers, please share this video via social media.

