Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Commuter Action Day: Sydneysiders take widespread action against Constance’s privatisation attacks

Jul 6, 2017Updates


On Wednesday July 5, commuters across Sydney volunteered at their local bus stop to spread awareness about Constance’s privatisation plans and the havoc this will cause for passengers. The commuter-volunteers gave away thousands of flyers to passengers across Sydney’s buses, as well as securing signatures for the Don’t Sell Our Buses petition.

RTBU Bus Division Secretary Chris Preston spoke at Railway Square to show his gratitude for the people of Sydney in coming together to fight against the privatisation of Sydney’s buses.


“The fact that volunteers across Sydney gave up their morning in the freezing cold shows Minister Constance that commuters will do what it takes to stop these ridiculous privatisation plans.

Commuters will have to pay higher fares for fewer services, and less profitable routes will be scrapped so that greedy companies can profit from our public services. Today has proven to Minister Constance that commuters will do everything it takes to keep public transport in public hands.”


