Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Clarification over Redundancy

Feb 11, 2022Uncategorized

At the request of members last week we posted a link to the Managing Excess Employee Program.

What should have been mentioned (as it was in the meetings) is that this policy acts together with the offer of ‘reasonable, comparable employment’. That means if you’re offered your substantive position (and as bus drivers we are) with a new company to whom the business is transferring (which it is), you DO NOT QUALIFY FOR REDUNDANCY. This was the key part of the legislative changes made several years ago.

The Policy then takes over and sets out how you are dealt with as an employee who has refused to continue doing your job with the new employer. The short version of that is 3 months on base rate while you look for a job and then you’re on your own.

