Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

International Workers Memorial Day

Apr 16, 2024

International Day of Mourning is held annually to honour those who have lost their lives as a result of a […] Read More »

Busways EA update

Apr 5, 2024

We find ourselves in a new phase of our ongoing battle for equality in the Busways workplace. Recent meetings with […] Read More »

Bringing Back STA: The Benefits of a Government Operator 

Apr 5, 2024

The RTBU continues to lobby within the Labor Party for the return of State Transit as a government operator in […] Read More »

Region 8 Update

Apr 5, 2024

As you’ve all been aware, the pay issue in Region 8 has been an ongoing process of trying to work […] Read More »

RTBU Pushes for Pay Rise and Standardised Bus Training 

Apr 5, 2024

The RTBU is working diligently behind the scenes, through the Bus Taskforce, to secure a pay adjustment for all bus […] Read More »

Toilets and Meal Facilities Upgrades 

Mar 6, 2024

The RTBU successfully advocated for improved toilet and meal facilities at the NSW Bus Taskforce last year, showcasing the positive […] Read More »

Timing of Opal Card Rollout for NSW staff 

Mar 6, 2024

Well it took 5 years of lobbying behind the scenes at every opportunity by the RTBU and it’s taken several […] Read More »

Region 7 Bargaining Update 

Mar 6, 2024

Negotiations in Region 7 have been ongoing and have been through a long and complex road. Things have been moving […] Read More »

Keolis Downer Hunter Agreement 

Mar 6, 2024

Keolis Downer Northern Beaches continues to engage with members in accordance with the recommendation put forth by the Fair Work […] Read More »

Transdev Light Rail Enterprise Agreement

Mar 6, 2024

After quite a delay, Transdev has provided us with a draft enterprise agreement document. On Wednesday 31st January 2024, RTBU […] Read More »


