Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Bus Taskforce Update

Jun 18, 2023Updates

The RTBU continues to push the agenda of our members in the NSW Bus Taskforce. We have been told that Opal cards will be coming- but still no timeframe or firm decision on WHO will get them. Just the ex-STA Sydney regions? All of Sydney bus drivers? Only ex-STA including Newcastle? We’re obviously arguing that all drivers should get them but at the very least we want the ex-Government areas in NSW to be provided for. One thing is certain- that while there are no plans to scrap the Gold Pass for workers who have earned them, there are also no plans to bring back the entitlement.

An event happening next week is a Bus Industry Roundtable meeting of Unions, company reps, commuter groups, government, and other stakeholders. The plan is for some ideas to come out of everyone’s experience particularly around network design and fixing the driver shortage. We’ve obviously got some strong views on both of those things.

Finally, it looks like there will be no assistance from TfNSW in Region 6. In a way getting as close to an agreement as we now are, has worked against us and TfNSW have decided to let the EA negotiation process run its course. We are absolutely demanding that the government direct TfNSW to weigh in and fix Region 7. Busways has point blank refused to entertain anything that costs them to put the two-tiered workforce back together.

