Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Bus fires even more frequent since government promises to fix

Feb 28, 2016News

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The union are calling for a swift roll-out of vital fire suppressant systems on all buses across the state, following revelations that buses are catching on fire at a rate of one a week.

A NSW Office of Transport Safety Investigations report which shows a 38 per cent increase in bus fires over the past two years.

Following a long campaign by the RTBU, the State Government finally agreed to roll-out fire suppressant systems on all State Transit Authority buses by December 2016, however the union has concerns that there is no timetable to install the systems on all other buses across the state.

The union will be holding the government to its timeline.

It is beyond belief that we are still seeing our buses catching on fire on our roads. It is putting passengers, drivers, pedestrians and other road users at enormous risk.

The fire suppressant systems are proven to dramatically decrease the likelihood of bus fires taking hold.

A bus catching fire every week is completely unacceptable. We can’t continue to allow the public and our drivers be put at risk.

Click here to read the full article in the Sydney Morning Herald.

